In Office Appointments:

Please call to schedule or fill out an appointment request on the contact page to schedule one. 631-724-1471

Dawn Currently offers 30 or 45 minute appointments. The in office appointments can be for either private one on one or Group sessions (altogether at once) for up to a maximum of 5 people. Group sessions of more than 2 are specifically set for 45 minutes. For pricing and other information, please feel free to fill out our contact form or call us directly 631-724-1471 -Thank you


Please call to schedule or fill out an appointment request on the contact page to schedule one. 631-724-1471

Dawns Virtual options are: ZOOM, FaceTime and Phone. Dawn does not recommend using Facebook messenger or SKYPE. Virtual sessions (FaceTime/ZOOM only) CAN be offered for SMALL group settings of up to three people at an additional charge. For pricing and other information, please feel free to fill out our contact form or call us directly at 631-724-1471 - Thank you

Private Events: Please call us Directly to inquire for any private fundraisers, gallery readings of 20 people or more, or any donations <3